Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I have recently added a new section to my website, where I will publish a series of "Working Papers" on topical risk management subjects. The first of these is on Target Risk, others will follow.

Target Risk was written following a recent enquiry about the subject. In particular I was asked whether I knew of any other organisations that was using the concept of target risk, and if so how were they defining it? In essence I was asked whether my client was being consistent with best practice and with general usage. Given that this exercise was done by talking to other clients, contacts and consultants, I am now sharing the results of that exercise. To see a copy of the paper, click here.

Governance article: while I am writing, you might be itnerested to see a very short article that was published in "Governance" recently on my views as to whether the Walker Report will make the slightest difference to the state of Corporate Governance in the UK. To see a copy click here.

I thrive on feedback - let me know what you think.


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